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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 18, 1789

Sunday, May. 17, 1789

1:00 pm Light Winds and heavy Rain which enables us to keep our Stock of water up.

4:00 pm Fresh Gale and very Squally. A heavy Sea from the SE constantly breaking over us. Two men bailing.

6:00 pm Very wet and Cold. Served 1/24 pound Bread & water for Supper.

Monday, May. 18, 1789

12:00 am Dark dismal night no Stars. Steering as the sea directs us. Very heavy Rain which cramps all our Limbs.

8:00 am Rain abated striped naked as usual and washed and wrung our cloaths out of Salt water which refreshed us wonderfully. Served 1/24 pound Bread & water for breakfast.

12:00 pmSqually with Rain. Served 1/24 pound of Bread and a Jill of water for dinner. Every one now complains of Violent pains in their Bones. Constantly bailing. Boobies, Noddies and many Tropic Gulls about.


Fresh Gales with Rain and dark dismal night, the sea constantly breaking over us, and nothing but the Wind and Sea to direct our Steerage. I have now fully determined to make New Holland to the Southward of Endeavour Streights, sensible I must keep my Situation so as to make a Southerly wind a fair one and to range along the Reefs untill I can find an opening, within which I must find smooth water and the sooner pick up some refreshments.

In the morning the Rain abated when we striped and wrung our cloaths through the Sea water as usual which refreshed us wonderfully.

Every person now complained of violent pain in their Bones. I am only surprized that I have no one yet laid up. Served 1/24 pound Bread and a Jill of water for supper, Breakfast and Dinner as customary. Constantly Bailing.

Saw many Boobies and Noddies a Sign of being in the neighbourhood of land.

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