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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 22, 1789

Tuesday, Apr. 21, 1789

1:00 pm Fair Weather and Cloudy.

4:00 pm Tacked.

7:00 pm Tacked. The South of the three eastermost Isles which forms the passage to Anamoka S50°W 3 leagues. and Caow N53°W. North of the three Isles W8°S.

Wednesday, Apr. 22, 1789

12:00 am Tacked.

4:00 am Tacked.

8:00 am Tacked. The Sourthermost island as set before S75°W 2 leagues. Caow N45°W.

10:00 am Served fresh Pork and Tarro and Cleaned below.

11:00 am Tacked.

12:00 pm Tacked. Southermost Isle N75°W. Caow N43°W. North Isle N29°W. Off the South 4 or 5 Miles.


At Dusk in the Evening, I fetched in with the Eastermost Isles that form the Passage into Anamoka, and Spent the remaining part of the day plying to Windward, in the Course of which I only gained 10 Miles.

I would have looked for a Passage to Anamoka between these Isles, and South, but failing in such an Attempt and the regular Trade Wind had come on upon me, it would have rendered our situation hazardous. As this knowledge therefore can only with propriety b[e] gained by exploring it from the Westward, it is a Circumstance that must rest with Some future Navigator.

These Islands are low and Covered with Wood, connected by Coral Reefs on which the Sea breaks tremendously high.

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