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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Aug. 19, 1788

Monday, Aug. 18, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather with much haze and frequent Strong Squalls with small Rain. Many of the small kind of Albatrosses, Peterels and Sheerwaters came suddenly about us.

8:00 pm Double Reefed the Topsails.

Tuesday, Aug. 19, 1788

6:00 am Out 2nd Reefs

8:00 am Served Hot breakfast of Portable Soup Gruel and Krout &c for dinner as usual.

10:00 am Very fresh Gales and Squally which obliged me to take in two Reefs. Saw a seal as they were Reefing. Served Sweet Wort and bent the Cables.

12:00 pm Ditto Gales and rather thick weather with much Sea from the NW, but at times the Sun appeared and I got good Observations. Under Double Reefs. Two Pintadas and but few Sheerwaters. Carrying all possible Sail to make the Land.


Aug 17, 1788

Depending fully on my observations for finding the Error of the Time Keeper on the 17th I steered accordingly to make the land near the Mewstone. I had no other sign of being near it the whole day but the Seal which was seen in the morning: At Noon I computed the Mewstone to bear from me N65°E only 12 leagues. The Gale increasing with rather thick weather and a high breaking Sea, but as the Wind was favorable to make the Coast, I carried much Sail by which means everyone got thoroughly wet with the Sea making a fair breach over us, notwithstanding I got a good Noon Obwservation and likewise very good ones for the Longitude by the Time Keeper.

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