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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 10, 1788

Friday, May. 9, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gales & Cloudy Weather.

6:00 pmHanded the Main Sail & shortened Sail to Double reefed Main Topsail & triple Reefed Fore Topsail.

9:00 pm Hauled the Wind with a Fresh Gale and Cloudy Weather.

Saturday, May. 10, 1788

12:00 amWore Ship.

4:00 am Strong Gales and Cloudy Weather.

6:00 am Bore away with Rainy Weather.

8:00 am Out Reefs & made more Sail.

12:00 pm Fresh gales & Fair Weather. Main Topmast Steering Sails set & all Sails.


I have endeavoured to run on the limits of Tristan da Cunha with the hopes of making it, but thus far I am disapointed. My only authorities for its situation are Robertsons Elements that place it in 37°12′ So. 13..23 W. and the general map prefixed to Captain Cooks last Voyage which place it in 37°12′So & Longitude 15°00′ West. This last being the Westermost I entered on that Tract in Time but I met with no signs of land or the least appearance of any Vicinity of it: however I thought it would not be loosing much time to try its Eastermost Situation. I therefore at 8 oClock stood on and off untill daylight; that I might not pass it in the night. I then stood for it in its parralell, by my account which at Noon proves to be 17 Miles wrong but I could see land of any moderate height at least 8 or 10 leagues, besides this there was no signs of nearness of land only a very few oceanic Birds being about. At Noon I steered NE both to intersect its latitude and be beyond its Eastermost situation carrying a Scope of Ten & Twelve leagues in view, but how far the limits this Island & Rocks are determined I cannot now with propriety search any longer after. My Observations being sufficient Intervals and near noon I think may be relyed on equal to a meridian altitude.

By a presumed Rate as I call it, found from Lunar Observations I find the true Longitude by Time Keeper to day at Noon to be 13°30 West which I consider to be within ¼ of a degree exact, & from this taking its situation from Robertson the Island bears N20E distant 16 miles.

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