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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 25, 1788

Thursday, Apr. 24, 1788

1:00 pm Strong Gales and violent Squalls. In Main Topsail and Foresail. High Breaking Sea.

3:00 pm Set the Foresail.

6:00 pm Lightning to the NW.

8:00 pm Very hard Gale and a high breaking Sea which kept us very Wet.

Friday, Apr. 25, 1788

12:00 am Very heavy Squalls.

8:00 am Ditto Gales and Open Cloudy Weather. Many Birds of the Albatross & Peterel kind about & much Rockweed seen.

10:00 am Cleaned and dryed below, served a Pint of Sweet Wort to all hands.

12:00 pm Strong Gales and a high breaking Sea with Squalls of Hail. Under Double Reefed Main Topsail. Close Reefed Fore Topsail & reefed Fore sail.


The Gale of this day was very severe, but the Weather being dry we felt it not so much as we otherwise should have done. In the Forenoon we had bright intervals of Sun Shine, during which I ordered every person on Deck except a few who were employed cleaning below and drying. All the Hammocks were removed into the Cabbin where the Sky light gave sufficient Air to them, and by this means by Noon the 'Tween Decks got well aired and cleaned. The Invalids also received benefit from the Air and at eleven O'Clock all hands received a pint of Strong Decoction of Malt or rather infusion as it is made by pouring Water on the Malt fresh ground in the proportion of 4 Gallons Water to one of Malt. At Noon I had the pleasure to see them all cheerfull and Well as could be expected except Rheumatic Complaints.

We have no symptoms of Scurvy or any other disease, and having Sufficient Water to carry me to the Cape I think it loosing time to stop at Falklands Islands, where otherwise I would (at Berkley Sound) but the most I could promise myself from such a plan would by no Means make up for getting a fortnight later at the Cape of Good Hope, a place I must now take as much time at as I can possibly Spare consistent with the Good of the Voyage.

Beauchenes Island bore by Time Keeper at Noon N.13W. distance 23 leagues.

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