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Revised Jun 7 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 25, 1788

Monday, Mar. 24, 1788

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and very heavy Snow Squalls but clear at times.

4:00 pm Ditto & Cloudy Weather. The Sky appearing very much Streaked and appearance of Wind I therefore Ordered Main Top Gallant down and all top Hamper.

7:00 pm Out 3rd Reefs Main Topsail.

8:00 pm Out 2nd Reef Ditto & 3rd Reef Fore Topsail.

9:00 pm A Great head Sea but fair Weather.

10:00 pm Out 2nd Reef fore Topsail.

11:00 pm Out Reef Main Course

Tuesday, Mar. 25, 1788

3:00 am In 2nd Reef Fore Topsail.

8:00 am Moderate & Cloudy but a very high Sea from the SW.

10:00 am Cleaned & Dryed fore & Aft having a dry Air & Weather Fair.

12:00 pm Fine Clear Weather but a continuance of a heavy Sea from the SW. Under all Sails and a Reefed Foresail. Albatrosses, Mother Careys Chickens and a few Birds of the Peterel Tribe.


Having now entered on our most difficult and grand part of our passage, I took every precaution to render the Ship proof against the General attacks of the Weather.

I stood away close hauled to the Southward and at Noon I considered myself totally out of the way of the Current round Cape Horn.

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