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Revised May 20 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 7, 1787


Thursday, Dec. 6, 1787

1:00 pm The Wind having the appearance of continuing and the Weather Moderate, I Weighed and Sailed at 2 O'Clock. Under all Sails.

6:00 pm Culver Clift NBW 5 Miles.

8:00 pm Moderate Weather, and at ¾ past 8 Dunnose bore NNE 6 or 7 Miles.

Friday, Dec. 7, 1787

12:00 am Clear Weather and light Winds, seldom Steady two or three points.

5:00 am Set Steering Sails, but the Wind backing to the Southward at 6 O'Clock We trimmed to the Wind again.

8:00 am Fresh Breezes & Cloudy, Down Fore Top Gallant Yard & in 1st Reefs. Peverel point NEBN 6 leagues and Portland NWBN.

12:00 pm Fresh Gales & Squally. In 2nd Reefs & Tacked. The Bill Bore at Noon NE½E 5 leagues. Under Double Reefs & Courses.

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