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Revised May 24 2021

Bligh's Resource Logbook Oct 14, 1789

Remarks Wednesday Oct'r. 14 1789

Do. Wr.

Employ'd as Yesterday and finished all my Letters. Sent a Copy of my Journal to Lord Cornwallis in Bengall by a Capt. Eddie of a small Vessel called the Cornwallis.

I rec'd a Message to day by the Sabander that the Governor & Council required my Officers and People to swear to the loss of the Ship & that therefore desired them to appear at the Stadt House Tomorrow morning for that purpose otherwise the Council could not consider themselves authorized to stop the Ship if she was found here or in any of their Settlements. I therefore gave orders accordingly. It is st[r]ange that these people could not think of these things before, but the Council seem to throw every impediment in my way.

My health is still very doubtfull my head continues to be exceedingly disordered & a slight Fever continues on me which render me exceedingly Weak which with not being able to get clear of the Head Ach renders my situation every Day more and more precarious.

Some Tradesmens Bills where [were] brought in to me to day on Account of some of my Officers who were in want of Cloths &c &c The height of imposition appeared, a Bill of 51 dollars for 5 Hatts was reduced to 30 dollars and for Cloaths it underwent a proportional deduction. The Sabandar made these deductions

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