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Revised May 24 2021

Bligh's Resource Logbook Oct 3, 1789

Remarks Saturday 3rd October 1789

My Fever still on me but considerably abated in the morning and Evening my feet were bathed as before & I took the same Mixture only Once an hour a large Spoonfull & by Night I had the happyness to hear the Doctor was of opinion a day or two would bring me to myself again. A little Sago was all the food I used & was allowed lemonade to drink but in very small quantities at a time.

I had a Message from the Governor General to dine with him Tomorrow but of course I was obliged to decline the honor.

I had forgot to mention I took three small doses of Jollap [jalap] this day. One before breakfast One at 11 OClock & One at 5 OClock in the Evening which operated very gently but perhaps the Doctor would have given more had I not taken a Strong dose of Physick before I arrived.

This practice being so different from that in our West Indies made me surprized at the moderate mode of treatment & I suggested that a Vomit would be proper, but I was assured that such was highly improper & produced the worst effect & had been proved to be so highly productive of bad consequences that it was out of use unless in particular cases, gentle laxatives therefore were found to be of more Value.

Thos. Hall being very ill with a Flux I sent him to the Country Hospital a desirable place for Sick Men.

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