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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 24 2021

Bligh's Resource Logbook Sep 25, 1789

Remarks Friday 25th. Sept'r. 1789

The first and latter part fresh breezes and hazy Wr. Middle light Airs. Wind NNW, NE, SE, ESE, & NNE. The Mast being not ready I was prevented from Sailing. Latitude Obs'd. by the Master 6°..54′ So.

In the Evening I rec'd a Messuage by the Equipage Master from the Governor to know how I meant to discharge my debt for the Mast & about 30 fms. Inch & half Rope besides 20 Cans of Arrack. I returned for Ans'r. any way he pleased either by Bill or Cash. In the Morning I rec'd another Messuage from the Governor by the same person that he would have nothing to do with the Koninjs reckoning (as he called it) but that I must pay for what I had. I was surprized at these abrupt Messuages and therefore requested I might not be troubled with any more of them, for that the Money should be paid on my receiving the Mast.

Either from an accustomed incivility or real ignorance here are some Dutch folks who at present doubt of my responsibility and altho they have had every proof from Timor and of my Commission yet their impudence has led them to be sifting my people who on noticeing very extraordinary enquiries told me of it.

In the Morning I received a Messuage from the Governor by his Ordinance (or person in waiting) that he would not receive any payment for what I had here but that such he would leave with me to Settle when I arrived at Batavia.

I fixed on the Evening for my departure and informed His Excellency I should take my leave of him at 3 O'Clock

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