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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 21, 1793

[H M S Providence from Jamaica] towards England – 1793

Friday June 21st

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and fine clear weather – at ¼ past 12 sent small cutter on board the Snow Mary of [Erenock?] with the surgeon some of her crew being ill – at ¾ past the cutter returned on board – hoisted her up and made sail – Cape Antonio bearing SE¼S 4 or 5 Mile – Northermost Land in sight EbN¼N – at 2 Cape Antonio SE½S distant about 4 Leagues – at 3 Saw a Spanish Man of war brig bearing NE made the Assistants Signal to Chase – at ½ past 4 Tacked & made Assistants Signal to act as she thought proper – Assistant left ye chase and stood towards us – Tacked Ship at ½ past bore to At 6 made Sail at ½ past 7 Spoke the Assistant – at Midnight moderate breezes and fair weather In 2d Reef Fore Top Sail – Lightning round the Compass

 4 am: Ditto Weather at times and schooner in company The Packet & four merchantmen in sight

 7 am: Two strange Sail bearing NNW

 8 am: Moderate breeze and fair weather – Exercised great Guns & Small Arms – Ships Company strong their cloaths – Carpenters repairing the cutter – Aired the small Sails

12 noon: At Noon moderate breezes and fair weather The Assistant and Prize schooner in company The Packet & the two Guinea Men bearing ENE about 6 Miles distant – The two strange Sail, Jupiter and Mary bearing NNW

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