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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 21-24, 1793

[H M Ship Providence Moored in Port Royal Harbour] Jamaica – 1793

Remarks &c

Tuesday 21st First and latter parts moderate breezes and cloudy middle part light airs and fair – PM The Yard schooner returned from Salt River – Arrived H M Packet Antelope from Falmouth – AM Received fresh beef – Carpenters and sailmakers employed at the Yard – Up all Chests and bags & washed the Gun, Orlop, & Cockpit decks – aired ship with fires – People employed in the After hold

Wednesday 22d First and latter part fresh breezes and hazy weather – middle part light airs and fair – PM received four 4 Pounders with Catridges [sic] &c &c from the Ordenance Stores – Received fresh beef – sent the Launch for a turn of water Carpenters and Sailmakers employed at the Yard – Aired Ship with fires

Thursday 23d First part fresh breezes and fair weather middle part light Airs and Ditto Weather – Latter part fresh Gale with drops of rain – PM Boatswain & Carpenters employed returning Stores to the Yard – received water per Launch – At Daylight Sailed H M S Penelope on a Cruize – sent the Yard schooner for a turn of water – Received no fresh Beef nmd Carpenter & Boatswain as before – Sailmakers employed at the Yard – at 11 arrived a french sloop Prize to the Hyana – made Signal to the Pen

Friday 24th First and latter part fresh breezes with heavy showers – middle part light airs, calms, & cloudy – AM received fresh Beef – Carpenters & Sailmakers as yesterday Received on board four men from the Hospital – people employed fixing Topsail Sheets – Aired ship with fires – made Penn Signal for a Messenger – received a turn of water per Yard Launch

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