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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 21-24, 1793

[H M Ship Providence Moored in Port Royal Harbour] Jamaica – 1793

Remarks &c

Sunday 21st First and latter part fresh breezes and cloudy – middle part Light breezes and fair – PM arrived H M Packet Tankerville 43 days from Falmouth – People mending their cloaths – AM Received 103 pound of fresh Beef – mustered in divisions

Monday 22d First and latter part fresh breezes and hazy middle part light airs and fair – PM arrived three french schooners Prizes to the Tyger Privateer – Made the Signal for a Kittereen – AM Sailed H. M. Squall. Penelope on a cruize – sailmakers employed at the Yard – Carpenters & Gunners as yesterday – People under the Boatswain – Sent the Yard Launch for a turn of water – Received fresh beef

Tuesday 23d First and latter part moderate breezes and hazy middle part light airs and fair weather PM the Assistants boat brought on board five french* Gentlemen to deliver themselves up as Pirsoners – They came in a schooner under dutch colours – Delivered them to the commissarys Officer – Received a turn of water per Launch – AM Sailmaker employed fixing quarter & waist cloths – Carpenters as yesterday – Washed all Decks – received Beefg – Gunner repairing cartridges making wads &c
* Monsieur Borrelle Commandant at Port Au Prince, one of the Gentlemen

Wednesday 24th Moderate breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours PM Arrived H M Cutter Advice with a french prize schooner packet bound from Port as usual Prince to Cape Francois with dispatches – entered nine volunteers AM Carpenters as yesterday as well as Sailmakers & Gunners – Received 119 pound fresh beef – loosed Sails to dry – Exercised great Guns and small Arms Entered one volunteer Seaman

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