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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 5-8, 1793

H M Ship Providence from moored in Port Royal Harbour [Jamaica 1793]

Remarks &c

April 1793

Friday 5th First and latter part moderate breezes and fair weather – middle part light breeze – PM Cleared the Launch and employed stowing away water – at 5 sent the Launch and small cutter to assist the Fly going out of harbour – sent a volunteer on board of her – Received 140 pound of fresh beef – at 11 made Signal for a Kittereen (so called) Sailmaker as yesterday – Carpenter painting the Pinnace – People washing their cloaths

Saturday 6th Moderate breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours – AM Sailmakers and carpenters employed at the Yard – Received 152 pounds of fresh beef and served it to the Ships company – at 8 up all Chests & Bags, washed the Gun, Orlop, & Cockpit decks – People employed washing and mending their cloaths – entered 5 Supernumeraries

Sunday 7th First and latter part moderate breezes and cloudy weather – middle part light airs and fair – AM Received 152 pound of fresh beef at 8 cleaned below & mustered in divisions

Monday 8th First part fresh breezes and dark cloudy weather middle part calm & fair – latter part fresh breezes & hazy weather – PM arrived a french Prize sloop to H M S Hyana – a partie on shore on Leave – AM Sailmakers employed at the Yard & Carpenters painting the pinnace – Received 150 pound of fresh beef and served it to the Ships company sent 183 pots of plants on shore per Launch, & received a turn of Water per return of Boat

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