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Revised Sep 9, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 17-20, 1793


Remarks &c – Port Morant

February 1793

Sunday 17th First part moderate breeze and fair weather middle part cloudy with squalls, latter part moderate breeze and fine weather – PM employed warping farther into the Bay – at 6..30 let go the Best Bower in ¼ less 7 fathom muddy bottom, veered away to ½ Cable & moored Ship with the Stream anchor to the NW in 4 fathom water – Fishermans Bay Point SSW distant 1 Mile – Bowden Hill from N26°E to S50°East off the nearest shore about ½ a mile. Tableton Fort S43°East – western part of Wilsons Key S18°E 1 mile – AM received water per Launch – Washed the Gun, Orlop & Cockpit decks – Opened a Cask No 1477 contents 66 double pieces – unbent the Mizen Topsail to repair

Monday 18th First part moderate breeze and fair weather middle & latter parts fresh breezes and cloudy with showers of rain – sent a Partie to haul the Sein – No success – Up Top Gallant Yards, cleaned below – served borecole & Portable Soup thickened with oatmeal for dinner & the usual Breakfast Latitude Observed 17°..53′ North

Tuesday 19th First and middle part fresh breezes and clouds with showers of rain – Latter part moderate breeze and fair weather – PM loosed sails to dry – furled sails – AM sent 70 Breadfruit Plants & 39 of various kind on shore – & 36 empty pots – a Partie hauled the sein and a net with but indifferent success – Served thick portable Soup gruel for breakfast

Wednesday 20th Moderate breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours loosed sails to dry – at 6 furled Sails – AM Scrubbed Hamacoes – Up all Chests & Bags – washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit decks – Struck the Mizen Top Mast having found the two foremost shrouds on the larboard Side gone – Received water per Launch – Carpenters employed blacking the Chain plates – Sailmaker repairing the Main Topsail – Served thick portable Soup gruel for breakfast – Absent without leave David Mowatt & John Smith Seamen
   Latitude Observed 17°..52′..30″ North

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