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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 7-10, 1793

H M Ship Providence moored in Port Royal Harbour [Jamaica – 1793]

Remarks &c &c


Thursday February 7th First part fresh breezes and fair weather – middle & latter part moderate breezes and cloudy – PM set up the Fore and Main Topmast Rigging – sent John Russell & John Ryland Marines, & Samuel Dennis Seaman (the Man wounded by the Indians in Providence Strait and not yet cured) to the Hospital – AM received 120 pounds fresh Beef – Commodore Ford visited the Ship – Sailmaker fitting the Quarter deck awning

Friday February 8th First part moderate breeze and fair weather middle part light breezes and clear – Latter Part Light Airs and clear – Calm and dark cloudy weather at times with showers of rain – PM Sailmakers fitting the Quarter deck awning – AM Washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit decks – Received 110 pounds fresh Beef – served it to the Ships Company – People employed washing and mending thier cloaths – at 8 received the Guard from the Penelope

Saturday February 9th Light Airs and fair weather all these 24 hours at 8..30 AM the Governor (General Williamson) came on board, saluted him with 19 Guns & with an equal number on his departure – received 110 pound of fresh Beef – loosed sails to dry – returned the Guard to H M S Hound

Sunday February 10th Light breezes and fine weather all these 24 hours – heavy dew all night – PM received a Launch load of water from Rock Fort per Launch from the Dock yard – Furled Sails – AM cleaned below – Received 110 pound of fresh beef Served fresh beef to the Ships Company

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