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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 4, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Timor] towards St. Helena – 1792

Tuesday December 4th

 1 pm: Light Airs and calm – Swell fromthe NW

 3 pm: Light breezes – Saw several Whales – Sailmaker repairing old thread bare Sails – Worked the pumps as usual every evening

 8 pm: Fine weather – Tacked Ship

12 mid: Moderate breezes and fair weather

 2 am: Fresh breezes – in Top Gallant Sails

 3 am: In 2d Reef Fore & Main & 2d Reef Mizen Top Sail

 4 am: Squally – Saw whales blow – some Mother Careys Chickens, Albatrosses, and sheerwaters – found both the Main & larboard Fore Top Sail sheets gone in the [?] – clinched the ends, and set the Sails again Saw Pintada Birds and caught one that had entangled itself in a line astern during the night – In 3d Reef Fore & Main & 2d Mizen Top Sail down Top Gallant Yards and struck Fore Top Gallant Masts – Fresh gale and cloudy – head Sea & the Ship pitching heavy – Served the usual breakfast swept clean below and aired with fires – Shipped a small Sea which wetted some of the plants, but apprehend no danger from it – Opened a Cask of Beef – Served Krout and broached a puncheon of Spruce Beer – at Noon Strong gales & thick weather
   Latitude Observed 00...0...

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