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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 22, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Timor towards St. Helena] – 1792

Monday October 22

 1 pm: A Fresh Gale and thick cloudy weather

 4 pm: Dark cloudy weather – threatning wind & Rain

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 7 pm: In steering, Top Gallant Sails, and 2d Reefs – Thick weather with light showers of Rain – in 3d Reefs Fore & Main Topsail

12 mid: Squally with small Rain at times

 4 am: At 4 fresh Gales and dark cloudy weather – at day light out 3d Reefs and set Top Gallant Sails – Saw brown & Gannet Boobies, Flying fish, Sheerwaters, a small kind of white gull, & a man of War bird – at 6 out 2d Reef and set Fore Top Mast Steering Sail – at 8 Served the usual Breakfast – A Spar with barnacles on it passed by – Unbent the Cables & stowed the Anchors – Sailmakers repairing the best Main Top Sail – Carpenters in her waterways on the Main deck – served the weekly allowance of Vinegar – and Portable Soup thickened with oatmeal in the [unfinished]
– Swell as yesterday –
Borecole Soup for dinner – At Noon fresh Gales and gloomy weather

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