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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 19, 1792

[H M S Providence] 1792

Remarks Wednesday 19th September

 1 pm: Strong Gales and thick weather with small Rain

 2 pm: The whale boat at her grapnel about ½ mile to leeward having been sounding – The cutter returned on board – People about the Cables & fixing spars and Buoys to the Broken arms of the Bower Anchor – At 4 the whale boat returned having sounded to the Westward about 3 Miles distant with 6 & 7 fathoms good ground – Got the Steering Sail booms & off the Yards

 6 pm: At 6 Strong Squalls and thick weather – in Boats

 8 pm: at 8 Hard Gales and cloudy with [small rain?] Struck lower yards and veered away to the whole Cable Service – Made the Assistant Signal to strike her lower Yards

12 mid: At Midnight more moderate – smooth water

 4 am: Hove in the ½ Cable Service – up Lower Yards & Top Gallant Masts – Hoisted out the whale boat – at ¾ past 5 The Assistant weighed, whale boat leading – Out Cutter – at 7..20 Assistant made Signal that we might follow without danger – at 7..45 weighed

 8 am: At 8 moderate breezes with thick weather – at 9 dark cloudy weather – up Top Gallant Yards and set Main Top Gallant Sail

10 am: at 10 fair weather – At Noon fresh breezes and fair weather with haze – Assistant and Boat leading, & making sounding Signal No Land or danger in sight
   Latitude Observed [blank]

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