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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 16, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay Otaheite] towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792

Sunday September 16

 1 pm: Fresh gale and fair weather – with thick haze

 2 pm: People washing and mending cloaths

 3 pm: Squally hove in to the ½ Cable Service

 6 pm: worked the Pumps

12 mid: Fresh Gales and fair weather

 3 am: At 3 swayed up the Lower yards and hoisted out the whale Boat – at 6..10 weighed the Assistant and Boat leading – at 30 minutes past Tacked Ship At 6..50 The [blank] in one with the NW end of the Twins S89E

 7 am: Served the usual Breakfast

 8 am: At 8 The Twins or Brothers S77°E about [blank] Leagues saw Breakers to leeward off Deck – swayed up Top Gallant Masts and crossed the Yards set Main Top Gallant Sails carrying all Sail to clear the Breakers

 9 am: at 9..30 breakers WBS – high land in the SSW and others moderately high in the SSE & North – very thick haze – At 11 Twins N50°E U S83°W to West 3 Leagues – Passage Island S79°W 2 Leagues Extremes of next land S60°W to S50°W – R fronm S40°W to S9°W – High peaked mountain on it S14°W 5 Miles – SE23°E – At Noon Island off U N64°W Extremes of U N88W to N75°W Passage Island N88W 4 Miles – Land Extremes from S87°W to S10°E East Extremes of R an intermediate nearer Island S58°W 4 or 5 miles – High mountain and nearer small Island S2°W. The Island distant 2 or 3 Miles – Two small Islands off R S12E & S22E 4 miles – three High mountainous Islands S40°E S54E & S60E 2 or 3 Leagues
   Latitude Observed 10°..01′..06″ South

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