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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 8, 1792

H M S Providence from Otaheite to Timor 1792

Saturday 8th September

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and fair weather with haze – at ½ past 12 anchored in 25 fathoms coral sand – F NEbE distant 2 Miles Point of it West – Spit S3°E G S5°W 3 Miles A S79°E about 7 Leagues E S72E 3 Leagues – Islands seen from Mast head H NbW½W 12 or 13 miles – L SW½S 12 Miles – I SSW 14 Miles K S¼W 12 miles – washed the Gun Orlop and Cockpit Decks – at 4 cloudy down Top Gallant Yards and veered to ½ Cable Service

 9 pm: On the Island E we saw a few Hutts & about 40 Natives, two women among them, and a dog

11 pm: Among the Trees were a few Cocoa Nutt and the [brush?] in many parts was [wood?] with many [rows?]

 7 am: At Day light out Boats – Breakfasted at 6 OClock – close reefed the Topsails – at ½ past 8 weighed at 40 minutes past 8 bore away, Boats and Assistant leading F bearing East 3 or 4 Miles G S8°E 3 Miles – Soundings as per Column

10 am: at 10b hauled to the wind broken water seen to leeward – at 10 minutes past 11 made the Signal to prepare to anchor and at 10 minutes before Noon brought up with the small Bower in 15 fathoms soft ground – Handed Sails Extremes of H from S7E to S72°E distant from the Shore ¾ of a mile – M S8W 3 Leagues distant – Strong breezes and fair weather – distilled 23 Gallons of water Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 9°..36′..09″ South

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