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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 29, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay [Otaheite towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792]

Wednesday August 29th

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and fine weather with haze

 2 pm: Roused up the small Bower Cable – cleaned the Tier, and payed it down again

 4 pm: Saw numbers of birds of the Gull species and fish leaping – passed by wome pieces of wood that had the appearance of being lately broken – worked the pumps as usual

 7 pm: Shortened Sail & in 2d Reefs – spoke the Assistant, all well

 9 pm: Fine clear weather – a heavy dew falling

10 pm: Noddies about the Ship

11 pm: Under an easy sail all night the Assistant leading a head with a light

12 mid: Cloudy

 1 am: We had the Moon till about 3 OClock

 4 am: At 4 Light Airs and cloudy

 5 am: Out Reefs set Top Gallant Sails and steering Sails – Served thick portable soup for breakfast

 8 am: Fair weather Cleaned below and aired with the foremost stove – Got the Large cutter over the side, the crew employed fitting her – Sailmaker repairing the old Fore Sail – Carpenters fixing Skids for the cutter – Served thick portable Soup and Krout in the Pease for dinner – At Noon light breeze and fair weather a Hazy Horizon
   Latitude Observed 10°..47′ South

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