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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 26, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay] Otaheite towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792

Remarks Sunday 26th

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and fine weather

 2 pm: People washing and mending cloaths

 3 pm: Ditto Weather

 4 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 7 pm: Made the Signal and spoke the Assistant

 8 pm: In 1st & 2d Reefs & shortened Sail for the night

12 mid: Ditto Weather under an easy sail all night the Assistant leading a head with a light

 2 am: Porpoises about the Ship

 4 am: Fine clear weather

 6 am: Out Reefs and made all Sail – Served thick portable soup gruel for Breakfast

 8 am: Saw numbers of flying fish

 9 am: Ditto Weather cleaned below and aired with fires

10 am: Mustered the Ships Company in Divisions & performed divine Service

11 am: Served Krout in the Pease for dinner

12 noon: Moderate breeze and fair weather with a following Sea
  Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 12°..34′ South
Saw Boobies, Tropic birds Men of war birds & others of the Petterel kind

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