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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 18, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay Otaheite [towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792]

Remarks Saturday August 18th

 1 pm: A Strong breeze and cloudy weather

 4 pm: Ditto Weather

 5 pm: Worked the pumps
At Sun set looked well out at the Mast head for any of the [?] of the new Hebrides

 6 pm: Spoke the Assistant, all well on board

 7 pm: In steering Sails Top Gallant Sails and 2d Reefs Topsails

 8 pm: Fresh breeze and clear weather – hauled to the wind on the Larboard Tack

10 pm: Out 2d Reefs Mizen Topsail

12 mid: Made the Signal and wore Ship

 4 am: Moderate breeze and dark cloudy weather

 5 am: at day light bore away and made sail

 7 am: Saw flying fish and a tropic Bird

 8 am: Served thick portable soup gruel for breakfast

10 am: Ditto Weather Cleaned below and aired with fires

11 am: Opened a Cask of Pork No 16 contents 120 double pieces – Sailmaker repairing the old Mizen Topsail – People washing and mending cloaths – at Noon a fresh breeze and pleasant weather Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 13°..18′ South
NB Observation to day 22 Miles to the North of Account

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