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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 11-13, 1792

[H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay] Otaheite

June 11-13 1792

Monday 11th First part moderate breezes and fair weather – middle part light airs and variable weather – latter part moderate breeze and fair weather – AM Sent the wooding party on shore – Carpenters employed on the large cutter lining the ports and grinding Paint – Sailmaker employed at the Tent – Received the Jib and sent on shore the middle and fore Topmasts Staysails to repair – Armourer working at the Forge Cooper repairing Casks – Seamen ratling down the lower and topmast rigging – Served fresh pork, plantains & cocoa nutts to the people and received a moderate supply

Tuesday 12 First part moderate breeze and clear weather – middle part light breezes, latter part moderate breezes – at 10 PM heard the report of a Musket, that was fired at the Post – Armourer working at the forge, Carpenters lining the [?] & breaming the bends – Sailmaker repairing the Main Top Mast Staysail – people rattling down the lower rigging and the wooding party on shore – Received water per the Launch – Sent the small cutter to Oparre for provisions – Received the [?] Staysail and sent the Mizen Staysail and Main Top Gallant Sail to the Post to be repaired – served fresh pork, plantains and cocoa nutts – received a very moderate supply

Wednesday 13th First part fresh breezes and wy with a shower of rain – middle part light breezes and cloudy, latter part light airs and calms a swell from the westward – at 6 PM struck Top Gallant masts – the small cutter returned from Oparre with pigs & plantains – sent the party on shore to cut wood – Carpenters repairing the cutter lining the Ports and grinding paint – Sailmaker repairing the Top Gallant Sails – Armourer working at the forge – people rattling down the lower rigging – Sent the Top Gallant and Top Gallant Staysail on shore to be repaired – Swayed up Top Gallant Masts Served the usual allowance of 1½ pound of Fresh Pork to the Ships Company and plantains Cocoa nutts &c – Received a plentifull supply

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