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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 24-26, 1792

H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay [Otaheite]

May 24-26 1792

Thursday 24th First part moderate breeze and fair weather middle part Light Airs and cloudy with a Light shower of Rain – latter part moderate breeze and fair weather PM received 6 Hogs per Small Cutter – AM Received water per Small Cutter – Sent a party to haul the Seine. The Party returned with 150 pounds of fish – Served them to the Ships Company – Received on board the Fore Topsail and sent the Main Topsail on shore to be repaired – Washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit Decks – People employed about the Rigging – Carpenters at the Green houses and Launch Sailmakers about the Main Top Sail – Received a moderate Supply of bread fruit and Cocoa Nuts &c
Ships Draught of Water Abaft 15 Feet..08 Inches Foreward 14..08

Friday 25th First part moderate breeze and fair weather – middle part Light Airs and cloudy – latter Part moderate breeze and fine weather – A Moderate breeze from the Eastward in the Offing – PM Swayed up the Main Top Mast and set up the Rigging – Received 1 Hog per Small Cutter – at 11 lowered down the Boats and sent them in pursuit of an Indian who had attempted to rob the Assistant – The Boats returned without finding the Thief – at 4 AM veered away Unmoored Ship, hove Short in the Best Bower at 9 Tripped the Best Bower warped the Ship farther to the Eastward, Let go the Small Bower in ¼ less 10 fathoms water

Saturday 26th First Part a Moderate breeze and fair weather – middle part cloudy with some Rain Latter Part fresh breeze and fair weather – PM Veered away and moored Ship Best Bower in ¼ less 15 fathoms a Cable each way DM Sent a party to haul the Seine – Received water per Small Cutter – the fishing party returned with no success – people employed washing and mending their cloaths Sailmakers repairing the main Topsail – Carpenters about the Launch – Set up the Forge – Bearings when moored – Point Venus N23°E The Heads of Tarra from S10°W to S27°W – Served Fresh Pork, breadfruit, Cocoa Nutts & Mahee to the people and received a moderate Supply

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