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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 17-19, 1792

H M S Providence Moored in Matavai Bay [Otaheite]

May 17-19 1792

Thursday 17th Light Airs at times and cloudy weather – at 2 Rain at 4 cloudy – Employed in the Holds – AM Calm at 4 Light Airs – Received water per Cutter – people employed about the rigging – Cooper making Borachios [Barricoes] – Carpenters at the Green house and Launch – Sent planks on shore to the Carpenters – Roused up the Small Bower & stowed some plank on the Orlop Deck – payed the Cable down again – Washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit Decks – Sent a Puncheon to the Tent – Served Fresh Pork &c And Received a moderate Supply of Pigs but plenty of Bread fruit at Noon moderate Breeze & cloudy weather

Friday 18th Light Airs, calms, and cloudy weather – Unbent the Jib – Received a plentifull Supply of bread fruit People employed about the Rigging – Cooper making Borachios – Carpenters on the Green houses and Launch – at 4 fresh Breezes & fair weather – AM Dark Cloudy weather – Served fresh Pork Cocoa Nuts &c – received a moderate Supply – Moderate Breeze and thick rainy weather – Hove in on the Small Bower Cable and [?] on new Service – At Noon a moderate breeze and cloudy weather

Saturday 19th Light Airs and Thick cloudy weather – at 2 Squally with Rain – at 4 Cloudy – Sent 2 Half Hogsheads and a Barrel to the Tent per Small Cutter at 7 brought on board an Indian and confined him, for throwing Stones at the Petty officers in the Cutter and attempting to [hit?] the Boats Crew – at 8 Light Airs and cloudy AM Calm and cloudy with small Rain and some flashes of Lightning – at 1 fired two musquets close to an Indian who had attempted to rob the Ship, Lowered down the Boats and sent them in search of him, but he effected his escape – at 4 Constant Rain with some distant claps of Thunder – Sent a Party to haul the Seine – at 8 the Party returned with about 200 pounds of Fish, chiefly Cavallies – Served two pound to each Man & sent the Remainder on board the Assistant – Received a moderate Supply of Pigs &c – people washing and mending cloaths – Carpenters [?] in the Launch – at Noon Light Breezes & fair weather – Served Vinegar to the Ships Company

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