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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 16-19, 1792

Moored in Matavai Bay Otaheite

April 16-19 1792

Monday April 16th Moderate Breezes and cloudy weather – at 6 Dark cloudy weather with Squalls, Cleared Hawse; at 8 Light Airs at 9 Calm – AM Light Airs and cloudy weather – at Daylight sent a Lieutenant Masters Mate, two Midshipmen – a Lieutenant, Sargeant Two Corporals, a Drummer, and 13 private Marines to the Tent & 8 Dozen of plant Pots – Carpenters Caulking the Sides – Received a pletiful Supply of Pigs, Bread fruit Cocoa Nutts &c &c &c – Unbent the Main Sail – Served Fresh Pork &c to the Crew – at Noon fresh breezes and cloudy

Tuesday April 17th A Fresh Breeze and dark cloudy weather – Saluted the Kind Regent with 10 Guns – Received a turn of water per Launch – at 6 Squally with Rain – Struck Top Gallant Yards and got up a range of the Sheet Cable – AM Moderate breeze and cloudy weather – at 8 Light Airs and calms with Showers of Rain – Cleaned below – Received a moderate Supply of provisions – Employed in the Main Hold – Served Pork &c to the Crew – at Noon Light Airs and fine weather – Caulkers at Work on the Bends

Wednesday April 18th Light Airs and fair weather – loosed Sails to dry – at 6 moderate Breezes and cloudy, handed Sails – AM Sent the Launch on shore to the Tent with 150 Garden Pots – employed in the Main Hold – cleared Hawse – loosed Sails to dry – Carpenters caulking the Sides & Bends – Served Fresh Pork &c &c – Received a moderate supply of Pigs – Hove in the Best Bower Cable and Shifted the round being too slack moored – at Noon Light breezes and cloudy

Thursday April 19th Moderate breeze and thick Hazy weather with drizling rain at 1 furled Sails employed in the Main Hold at 8 Light Airs and rainy weather – at 4 AM Calm & cloudy Sent on shore 210 Plant Pots – at 8 moderate & [?] fair weather – loosed Sails to dry – employed in the Gun Room Received a moderate Supply of Pigs, bread fruit, Cocoa Nutts fruit &c – Served Pork & to the People – at Noon Light Airs and cloudy

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