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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 25, 1792

[H M S Providence from Van Diemens Land] towards Otaheite

Sunday March 25th

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather

 3 pm: Opened a Cask of Pork No 1050 Contents 120 double Pieces – The People washing and mending their cloaths

 6 pm: Saw some Albatrosses and Sheerwaters

 7 pm: In 1st Reefs – Worked the pumps as usual

 8 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather – In steering Sails

10 pm: A Meteor fell in the SW Quarter not far distant, which for a few moments enlightened the whole Atmosphere

 1 am: Light Airs and cloudy weather – A Fire in the Galley to air Ship

 4 am: Light breezes and cloudy, out Reefs and made all Sail – The People had thick portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast

 7 am: Cleaned below and aired with the Stoves

 9 am: In Steering Sails – Unbent the second best, and bent the old Fore Top Mast Top Sail

11 am: Mustered teh Ships Company in divisions and performed divine Service
Served Wort and Krout at the usual times – And Bore Coal in the Pease for dinner

12 noon: At Noon light Breeze and fair weather – Assistant in Company – A great swell from the SW Quarter
Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer
   Latitude Observed 35°..46 South

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