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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 8, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens [Land towards Otaheite]

Thursday March 8th

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and fine weather with a swell from the Westward

 5 pm: Squally with light Showers of rain

 6 pm: Squally with hard showers of Rain

 7 pm: In 1st Reefs of the Topsails – worked the pumps as usual – Set the Fore Top Mast Steering Sail

 9 pm: Moderate Breeze and fine open cloudy weather

10 pm: Fine pleasant weather with a moderate Breeze, out 1st Reef Main Top Sail and set the Main Top Mast Steering Sail on the Starboard [?]

 1 am: Kept a fire in the Galley throughout the night to air Ship

 3 am: Cloudy with a light shower of Rain

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and Squally, with rain at times

 5 am: In Main Top Mast Steering Sail

 6 am: Out Reefs and set the Fore Steering Sail

 7 am: Two Cape Hens were seen and the kind of Whale by Seamen called a Fin Back – The People had Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast

 9 am: Fine weather but cloudy – a fresh Breeze

10 am: Light passing Squalls with small Rain

11 am: Saw two more Cape Hens, but few other Birds, and one patch of Rock weed, Served Krout and Sweet Wort – Got up the Chests & washed all the Decks, aired with fires – People employed making Points &c – Sailmakers repairing the Fore Sail

12 noon: At Noon a fresh Breeze and fine open cloudy weather shortened Sail for the Assistant
The People had bore cole in the Pease for dinner
   Latitude Observed 46°..10′ South

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