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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 5, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land] towards Otaheite in 1792

Monday March 5th

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair weather – Rock weed passing by frequently – Saw Albatrosses, Silver Birds Sheerwaters of Different kinds Mother Careys Chickens and few Cape Hens

 5 pm: Sailmakers repairing the old Main Top Sail

 6 pm: Fresh Gale and cloudy weather Hauled in all the Steering Sails and [?] the Main Sail

 8 pm: Ditto Weather – In 3d Reefs

 9 pm: Fires all night to air Ship

11 pm: Strong breeze and Squally shortened Sail for the Tender, up Fore Sail and handed Mizen & Close Reefed Fore & Main Top Sails

 4 am: Reefed the Fore Sail

 5 am: Handed the Fore Top Sail and got down Top Gallant Yards

 6 am: Gale increasing with thick misty weather

 8 am: Strong Gales and Squally with thick Haze

 9 am: Saw a number of Seals and Silver Birds – some Albatrosses, Mother Careys Chickens Sheerwaters of different kinds, a Cape Hen and a Quantity of Rock weed

11 am: Served Krout and sweet wort as usual.

12 noon: Ditto Weather – The People had a hot breakfast as usual – & portable Soup thickened with oatmeal and bore cole for Dinner – Cleaned & aired below with fires
  Bent the Storm Staysail
At Noon a hard Gale and very thick
misty weather – Assistant in Company
Close Reefed Main Top Sail & reefed Fore Sail
   No Observation
Served Vinegar as usual being Monday
 Under Close Reefed Main Top Sail and Fore Top Mast Staysail Fore Sail in the [Brails?]

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