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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 24, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens] Land towards Otaheite in 1792

Friday February 24th

 1 pm: Cloudy weather with haze on the Horizon

 3 pm: Fitted a Martingale

 4 pm: The Cutter returned with the people from ye Assistant and reported her ready for Sea – Moderate and cloudy received water per Cutter

 6 pm: At ½ past 6 weighed and made sail with the Assistant – at 7 hoisted in the Cutter – at 8 Light Airs, Fluted Cape close to Penguin Island SBW Distant 1 Mile

11 pm: A Heavy and sudden Squall of wind, In Top Gallant Sails and close reefed the Top Sails – [?] the Jib unvent it – at Midnight fresh Gales and cloudy with rain

 3 am: Strong Gales and hard Squalls with Rain at times, handed the Mizen Top Sail

 5 am: Cloudy with hard Squalls – Saw a Seal and several porpoises – at 5 more moderate – set the Mizen Top Sail Saw the Land about Fluted Cape bearing NW – at 7 Heavy Squalls with Rain – handed the Mizen Top Sail – at 8 handed the Fore Top Sail and got down the Top Gallant Yards

10 am: Served thick Gruel and portable Soup for Breakfast and Krout as usual

11 am: Got the Small Sails out of the Tops

12 noon: At Noon Strong Gales and Squally Assistant in Company – handed the Main Top Sail
   Latitude Observed 44°..24′ South
Saw Albatrosses, Silver Birds, Mother Careys Chickens and Sheerwaters of different kinds
 The South Cape of New Zealand from Adventure Bay bears 74° East Distance 296 Leagues

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