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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 8, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope [towards Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land in 1792]

Wednesday February 8th 1792

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and cloudy in 3d Reefs Top Sails

 7 pm: Spoke the Assistant – all well

 8 pm: Let water in, and pumped it out as usual

 9 pm: Fresh Breezes and hazy

10 pm: Small Rain – Moderate and cloudy

11 pm: Light Airs out Reefs

 1 am: AM Drizling rain

 4 am: At Daylight saw Van Diemens Land bearing from EBN to NNW off Shore 4 or 5 Leagues

 6 am: Saw a Cape Hen, and a number of Porpoises

 7 am: At ½ past 7 the Mewstone EBN 4 Leagues & the SW Cape N5°E 7 or 8 Miles – at ½ past 8 the South Cape N65°E, Mewstone N61°East, SW Cape N30°W Distant off shore 4 or 5 Miles

10 am: Served Gruel and sweet wort as usual Saw a number of Gannets besides the same kind of Birds as yesterday

12 noon: At Noon the Cockscomb Hill N23°W. South Cape N34°East Eddystone & Swilly Rocks S65°..30′ East Tasmens Head N53°..30′ East & the Mew Stone S87°W Distant off shore 6 or 7 Miles –
 Moderate and fair weather Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 43°..46′ South

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