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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 5, 1792

Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope towards [Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land 1792]

Thursday January 5th 1792

 1 pm: Fresh breeze and thick cloudy weather – Saw several Silver birds

 4 pm: The Breeze increasing in 3d Reefs fore 2 of the Main and handed the Mainsail Topsail – Thick weather with drizling rain

 6 pm: Saw a number of Silver Birds

 7 pm: Fresh Water let into the Ship and pumped as usual – set the Mizen Top Sail

 9 pm: Fresh Breeze and thick drizling rain with Thunder and Lightning in the SW and looking black in that Quarter

10 pm: Shortened Sail for the Assistant

12 mid: More clear

 2 am: Fresh Gale and cloudy

 3 am: At Day light made sail

 4 am: Out 2d Reef Fore Top Sail

 5 am: Served Krout and Vinegar to the Crew

 6 am: Out all Reefs

 7 am: Saw Albatrosses and Silver Birds

 8 am: Fresh Breeze and fine open cloudy weather – dried all the small Sails and peoples cloaths – washed the Gun Deck and cleaned the Ship fore and aft – Exercised the Boats Crews

12 noon: At Noon the same weather – Latitude Observed 38..00 South

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 6, 1792

 1 pm: Moderate and fair – set Steering Sails and Royals

 4 pm: Made the Assistants Signal and spoke her – found all was well on board

 6 pm: Saw several Silver birds – A swell from the WSW

 8 pm: Moderate breeze and cloudy weather – Wetted the upper Deck

12 mid: Ditto Weather

 4 am: Cloudy

 5 am: Saw Albatrosses, silver birds, Mother Careys Chicken and different kinds of Sheerwaters

 8 am: Exercised great Guns and small Arms

 9 am: Saw several Spermeceti Whales

12 noon: Moderate and cloudy – Latitude Observed 37°..56′ South

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