Revised Sep 8, 2021
1 pm: Moderate and fine weather a swell from the SW
2 pm: Exercised the Great Guns and Small Arms
4 pm: Saw Sheerwaters, Albatrosses and Mother Careys Chicken
6 pm: Hauled down the Steering Sails
10 pm: A Very heavy Swell from the SW The Ship rolling very much
11 pm: Head to the Southward – [indecipherable]
4 am: Moderate breeze set Steering Sails
9 am: [?] down the Fore Topsail and mended it – Caulkers on the Quarter Deck – Exercised the Boats Crews
12 noon: Moderate and fine weather – The Swell much abated
Latitude Observed 37°..34′ South