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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 30, 1791

Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope towards [Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land 1791]

Friday December 30th 1791

 1 pm: Light Breeze and fine weather

 4 pm: Broached a Cask of Pork 1067 Contents 120 double pieces

 8 pm: Wetted the Upper Deck

11 pm: Light air and cloudy a Long swell from the South Westward – The Ship rolling heavy

 2 am: Cloudy

 5 am: Moderate and Hazy

 9 am: Moderate breeze and pleasant weather

10 am: Exercised the Boats Crews with small Arms Saw a few brown Sheerwaters

11 am: Cleaned below fore and aft

12 noon: The Same weather – Seamen under the Boatswain – All Sail set, The Tender in Company
   'Latitude Observed 37°..38′ South

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