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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Nov 22, 1791

Moored in Table Bay Cape of Good Hope [1791]

Tuesday November 22

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and hazy weather

 3 pm: Employed in the Fore Hold stowing water

 5 pm: Sent John Curry, Seaman, Nathan Thomas & William Morgan Marines to Sick Quarters

 9 pm: Fresh Gales and Hazy. Anchored Here an American Ship from the Mauritius bound to America

12 mid: Light Breezes and cloudy weather

 5 am: Moderate and fair weather – Carpenters employed painting & caulking the Quick Works

 8 am: Received fresh mutton bread & greens

 9 am: Sailmakers employed at the Tent repairing Sails and Cooper about the Casks

12 noon: Moderate and fair weather

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