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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 14, 1791

[Log Book &c. of H M S Providence from Port Praya in the] Island of St. Iago towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791

Friday October 14th

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and remarkably find weather set the Royals and Mizen Top Gallant Sail

 4 pm: Saw a Brown Booby

 5 pm: A Swell from the Southward

 6 pm: The Longitude Observed reduced to 5 OClock 26°..36′15″ West

 9 pm: Clear weather with a pleasant breeze

12 mid: Fine open cloudy weather

 3 am: Clear

 4 am: Light Breezes and fine mild weather

 5 am: Saw a Booby

 7 am: Got up the Chests and Bags washed the Gun deck and cleaned the Orlops The people on deck employed under the Boatswain

10 am: Aired the Ship with fires below – overhauled the Pinnaces Gun and the Carpenters employed painting her

12 noon: At Noon light Breezes and fine Weather The Assistant in Company – The Person looking out at the Mast [?] thought he saw a sail in the SW
   Latitude Observed 21°..15′ South

At 5 PM By the Longitude Made reduced – [Trinidan?] bore S82°..46′W Distant 61 Leagues
The Island of St Helena (taking it in Latitude 15°..55′S 5..49 West Longitude) N78°E Distant 404 Leagues

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