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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 28, 1791

[Log Book &c. of H M Ship Providence from Port Praya in the] Island of St. Iago towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791

Wednesday September 28th

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and hazy

 2 pm: Saw a great number of Bonettas and a few flying fish – The Assistant two or three miles astern carrying a [?] of sail to come up with us

 6 pm: Moderate and Cloudy

 8 pm: Squally

11 pm: Fresh Breezes and squally at times made and shortened Sail as necessary

 4 am: Moderate and cloudy

 7 am: Hazy weather

 8 am: Aired the Ship with Brodie Stoves and cleaned below

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and [?] swell from the Southward
 The Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 3°..46′ North

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