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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 22, 1791

[Log Book &c. of H M S Providence from Port Praya in the Island] of St. Iago towards the Cape of Good Hope 1791

Thursday September 22 1791

 1 pm: Variable rain – made & shortened sail as necessary

 3 pm: Very hard Rain the people employed catching water from the Awnings

 5 pm: Filled 3 Puncheons with Rain water

 6 pm: Fresh Breezes with rain in 1 Reefs of the Fore & Main Topsails

 8 pm: Cloudy weather

10 pm: Fresh Breezes and squally with some [?] rain – A swell from the Southward

 1 am: Frequent squalls in 2d Reefs of the Fore and Main Topsails

 3 am: A Fire in the Galley all night

 4 am: At 4 Light Breezes and Rain

 7 am: Cloudy weather – out 2d Reefs of the Topsails

 8 am: Hoisted our Colours to a strange sail which was answered with those of the National Assembly of France

 9 am: Saw Some flying fish, a Dolphin and several Sea Birds

10 am: Fresh Breeze

11 am: Spoke her, she proved to be a Ship from Havre de Grace bound to Gabon on the Coast of Africa, had been out 30 Days – Cleaned dry below & kept fires in the Brodie Stoves – Aired the studding sails

12 noon: At Noon under single Reefed [?] and [?] – The Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed indifferent 6°..33′ North

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