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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 2, 1791

The East point of the Bay NEbE West Point SW Town of Santa Cruz
W½W Distant 3 Leagues – The Assistant in Company – Thermometer 83½

Remarks &c Friday September 2d 1791 – at Sea

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair weather Hoisted in the Boats and hove too for the Assistant

 3 pm: at 3 PM bore up and made sail – The East End of Teneriffe bearing NBW and the West End WBS – at 6 PM the West End W½N and the East End NBE½E The Peak of Teneriffe NWBW 9 or 10 Leagues Employed stowing the anchors &c – Flying fish about the Ship and a number of Sheerwaters – after Sunset wetted the spar deck fore and aft

12 mid: hazy – A Fresh Breeze

 1 am: A Heavy dew

 5 am: Moderate and cloudy

 7 am: Light Breezes and hazy

 8 am: Released the Seaman Daniel Hog on a promise of future good behaviour.

 9 am: Fish about he Ship – Got the Chests up and washed the Gun Deck – cleaned below – Under [?] & Fore Sail

12 noon: At Noon the Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 26°..44′ North

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