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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 25, 1791

Log Book &c. of H M Ship Providence from Spithead [towards the Cape of Good Hope –]

Thursday August 25th 1791

 1 pm: Hazy weather the wind increasing

 2 pm: Flying fish about and two small land Birds besides Sheerwaters

 4 pm: Opened the 2d Cask of Pork No 1118 Contents 120 double pieces

 6 pm: The Wind [heading?] the Ship hard [short?] up and rigged in the Fore Top Mast studding Sail Boom – In 1 Reef of the Main Top Sail

12 mid: Nearly calm

 2 am: Dark and cloudy to ye Eastward A Breeze sprung up from the Eastward made sail

 5 am: Out Reefs

 8 am: Washed the Gun deck and cleaned fore and aft

10 am: Hazy

12 noon: At Noon the Assistant in Company, Both Vessels all sail set
   Latitude Observed 31°..32′ North

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