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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 19, 1791

Log Book of H M Ship Providence from Spithead towards [the Cape of Good Hope – 1791]

Friday August 19th 1791

 1 pm: fresh Breezes

 2 pm: In 2d Reef of ye Fore Top Sail

 5 pm: Misty weather with hazy [sic] Took in the 2d Reef of the Main Top Sail – After the Rain, got the wet Cloaths on Deck to dry

12 mid: AM

 1 am: Kept a good fire in the Galley all night

 2 am: The Ship pitching very heavy

 3 am: At 3 the ship falling off to WbN Tacked and stood to the Southward – more moderate set the Jib – at s4 squally hauled down the Jib
Assistant in Company

 7 am: Out Reefs and made sail

 8 am: Got the Studding Sails up and dried them – Aired the Colours – Cleaned between decks

 9 am: Tacked

10 am: At 10 In 1 Reef – At Noon fresh Breezes and squally, under single reefed Top Sails and Top Gallant Sails
Assistant in Company  Latitude Observed 40°..01′ North
Thermometer in the Shade 73°

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