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Revised Sep 6, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 25-Jul 1, 1791

Saturday 25th June 1791At Galleons in the River Thames
Wind Westerly Moderate weather received 10 Tons of Iron Ballast 30 Barrels of Gun powder and 30 ½ Barrels of Ditto 10 ½ Barrels of Cartridges – at slack Water tripped the Best Bower with the Launch and let it go farther from the Ship finding her too slack moored – painted the Masts, pointing the Cables and at work about the Rigging

Sunday 26th Wind Westerly – Moderate and fine weather received 310 pounds of fresh Beef – [?] employed cleaning the Ship

Monday 27th Wind WSW. Moderate and clear employed occasionally – AM Ditto Weather employed about the Rigging – Arrived the Kite Cutter from the Westward

Tuesday 28th Wind Westerly Moderate and cloudy, received the Launch, Pinnace, & cutter, Boatswain and carpenter Stores AM Ditto Weather mustered Ships Company – up Top Gallant Yards – employed at the Rigging – received 21 Swivels and Gunners Stores

Wednesday 29th SW – Moderate and cloudy, set up the Main Rigging – employed making mats &c. at 8 down Top Gallant Yards AM Ditto Weather – Struck Top Gallant Masts and shifted the [?] – received [Beef?] – Arrived HM Sloop Drake fronm Yarmouth Roads – The Pilot came on board and took charge of the Ship

Thursday 30 Wind WSW Fresh Gales and cloudy weather set up Top Gallant Rigging – shortened the Broad pendants fore and aft – returned 8 empty Hogsheads and two dry ½ Hogsheads received 12 Hogsheads of Beer. AM Ditto Weather employed making points Gaskets Plats &c

Friday 1 July Wind Westerly – Fresh Gales with rain at 1 the Tyson West India Man fell on board our Starboard Bow and carried away the Guard-Board and a timber head, several of the running ropes and 3 port Lids – AM More moderate employed repairing our damages, and making Mats Gaskets &c – Stowed the Orlop – AM [Cutter?] Fish sailed to the Eastward, broached a cask of Beef containing [20?] double pieces

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