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Revised Sep 6, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 28-Jun 3, 1791

May [1791]

Saturday 28th Moderate and cloudy weather, employed in the hold. AM Ditto Weather, received on board carpenters and Boatswains Stores, as well as [229 pounds?] fresh Beef – Carpenters and joiners employed [?] on board

Sunday 29th Moderate and pleasant weather – AM the same weather served fresh Beef to the Ships Company

Monday 30th Moderate and cloudy weather – AM received on board Provisions, Carpenters and Boatswains Stores – rattled down the Topmast Rigging – Carpenters employed on board – Employed filling the [3d?] Tier of water

Tuesday 31 Moderate breezes and cloudy weather employed stowing the hold, and about the rigging – Carpenters employed on board – Broached a Cask of Beer

June 1791

Wednesday 1 Moderate and cloudy weather – Received 14 Hogsheads of Molasses, and two fathoms of wood – Broached a Cask of Beer, employed stowing the hold – AM Calm and clear weather, Seamen employed about the rigging – Carpenters on board at work

Thursday 2d Calm and hazy weather, received 2 fathoms of wood, received Boatswains and Carpenters Stores – AM Ditto Weather employed receiving the running Rigging

Friday 3d Fresh Breezes and hazy weather – Received on board Carpenters and Boatswains Stores, and empty Casks – AM Ditto Weather, received 193 pounds fresh Beef Employed in the Hold, and at ye Rigging

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