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Revised Sep 6 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 4-8, 1791

Remarks &c at Deptford

May 1791

Wednesday 4th. Moderate Breezes and hazy, joined the Ship and took charge on [mo?] as Third Lienutenant Painter Joiners, and Carpenters employed on board. AM Ditto Weather

Thursday 5th. Fresh Breezes and cloudy with light showers of rain. Employed cleaning the Hold, AM Entered several Seamen

Friday 6th. Moderate breezes with dark cloudy weather, several Seamen entered for the Ship. AM Ditto Weather cleared the Timbers employed stowing the Iron Ballast – received a harbour boat from the yard – Carpenters employed on the Ship

Saturday 7th. The Weather variable – AM moderate Breezes with showers of rain. Received on board 149 pounds of Fresh Beef for the use of the Ships Company – Received on board from the Yard the lower Main and Mizen Rigging and got it over head Carpenters, Joiners, and Painters employed on board

Sunday 8th. Moderate and cloudy weather – AM The same weather served fresh Beef to the Ships Company

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