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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Mar 1-5, 1793

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

March 1793

Friday 1  Light breezes & Clear Weather PM at ½ past 3 Shortened Sail & came too with the Best bower in 9 Fathoms water in Port royal harbour Jamaica & Moored with ½ a Cable each way the Best bower to the Eastward & Small bower to the Westward Fort Augusta bearing N20°W Apostles Battery S81°W & the Center of Port Royal Town S15°E found riding here HM Ships Europa [Flyham?] Proserpine, Fly, & Advice Cutter Ships draught of Water Forward 8..5 Aft 9..9 AM Light airs & open Cloudy Weather People variously employed

Saturday 2  Light breezes & fine Weather PM People employed washing & mending their Cloaths AM Loosed Sails to dry sent the Cutter & Jolly boat on Shore to be repaired unbent all our Sails & stowed them away Received on board 24 Pounds of Fresh Beef
  NB. At 1 PM Anchored here a French Brig of War

Sunday 3  Light breezes & fine Weather PM People employed reeving Running Rigging & getting the Studding sail booms down AM Sailed hence the French Brig of War Received Water per Launch cleaned below Fore & Aft Served Spruce beer as usual

Monday 4  First & Middle parts Light breezes & fine Weather AM Employed refitting the Rigging got the Top Gallant masts on Deck Employed blacking the Masts & Tarring the Rigging cleared hawse & got a spring on the Small bower Cable Latter parts Fresh breezes & Squally with Rain Gammoned the Bowsprit afresh & fitted new Bowsprit Shrouds

Tuesday 5  Fresh breezes & & [sic] Cloudy Weather PM Got up Rigged & Fidded the Top Gallant masts & Royal masts Stayed the Masts & set up the Rigging Anchored here HM Ship Providence AM Bent the Courses, Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail Employed rattling & Tarring the Rigging Blacking the Mast heads Cross trees & and [sic] working up Junk came from the yard Caulkers to Caulk our Sides &c Carpenter & his Mate employed with them & a party on shore painting the Boats

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