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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Dec 6-10, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

December 1792

Thursday 6  Moderate breezes & fine Weather PM People Employed airing their bedding & shifting their Hammocks Carpenter stopping a leak in the Sailroom .. stowed the Sails away at 4 in 1st reef of the Topsails Answered the Signal to come within hail when the Commodore made his intention known to me of Sounding at Midnight saw a Spermaceti Whale at 10 in 1st reefs of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail at Midnight Fresh breezes & Cloudy in Studding Sails & hove too Sounded with 110 Fathoms of line up & down no Bottom at ½ past 12 bore up at 4 AM out all reefs lost a Log & 2 Lines .. People variously Employed Served Sourkrout &c saw several Pintado birds at Noon in Company with the Providence

Friday 7  All this day Fresh breezes & fine open Cloudy Weather PM found the Strap of the Fore Topsail sheet block broke fitted a new one at ½ past 10 in Studding Sails & got the Spritsail yard on board AM at 5 set Studding Sails People employed making Matts & Fresh rattling the Rigging & the Corporal of Marines cleaning Small Arms at Noon Fresh breezes & fine Weather with a following Sea in Company with the Providence Saw a Pintado bird & Cape hen

Saturday 8  All this day Fresh breezes & Clear Weather PM Seamen employed fitting a Top Gallant yard to answer for a Spritsail yard Marines cleaning Ship Regimentals made & shortened sail as necessary AM Scrubed the new storm Mainsail Scraped & Greased the Main mast Cleaned below washed with Vinegar & Aired with Fires Served Vinegar & Sourkrout saw several Pintado Birds at Noon in Company with the Providence

Sunday 9  Fresh breezes & Clear PM People Employed washing & mending their Cloaths made & shortened Sail & shifted Studding sails Occasionally Burnt several False Fires during the Night as Signals & in Answer to Signals from the Commodore AM Fresh breezes & hazey made & shortened sail as necessary got up & fidded the Main Top Gallant royal mast & set royals at Noon in Company with the Providence

Monday 10  Fresh breezes & fine Weather made & shortened Sail to keep in our Station AM Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather hauled the Cables on Deck & got up Bread Employed starting it into the Bread room & repairing & Tarring the Rigging Carpenter painting the Cutter & Sailmaker repairing the Sails saw a large piece of Kelp with a root to it at Noon in Company with the Providence

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