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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Oct 3-9, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

October 1792

Wednesday 3  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Veered away & Moored with a large Cadge to the SE ⅓ of a Cable & the small bower to the NW [½?] a Cable Employed getting up Bread Pumping off Salt water the Carpenter Painting the bends & the Launch Watering Middle part Light airs & Calm .. When Moored the Castle bore SEbS & the low flat Island NW½N

Thursday 4  Moderate breezes & fine Weather PM Launch employed watering at [Piers?] set down Top Gallant yards & Coiled the Cables below AM hauled up the Cables People employed working up Junk Launch & Cutter watering & a Party cutting Wood

Friday 5  me & fine Weather PM Launch employed watering & on board starting it into the ground Tier butts Coiled the Cables below AM Employed as before & Party wooding, hauled up the Cables got the Fore Top Gallant mast on deck lowered the Fore yard & struck the Fore Topmast & unrigged got down the broken Trussel Trees & fitted new ones got up & rigged the Topmast Swayed the Fore yard up & got the Top Gallant mast up & rigged it Struck the Fore Top Gallant mast

Saturday 6  Moderate & fair PM Launch watering & compleated the ground Tier Received a turn of Wood per Launch Employed cutting & sawing it for Stowing AM Employed pumping off Salt water set up the Fore Topmast rigging

Sunday 7  All this day light Variable winds & fine Weather PM received a turn of Wood & Water per Launch Employed starting & stowing it away & working up Junk AM Party on shore Wooding & Watering — Compleated our Water

Monday 8  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM came alongside a Craft bearing Wood received ½ of it & sent [?] [around?] to the Providence Employed stowing it away Employed upon the rigging & stowing away wood Sailmaker making a new rudder Coat

Tuesday 9  Moderate & open Cloudy Weather PM got the Spare Anchor in and stowed & the Sheet anchor into its Birth Cooper Employed repairing Casks received water per Launch for present use AM Light breezes & fine Weather Swayed up Top Gallant masts at 6 unmoored & hove too on the Small bower & shifted our birth being too near the Providence at ½ past 11 Anchored with the Small bower & wore away to a ½ Cable the Castle bore SEbE Carpenter Employed [fitting/fixing?] the new Rudder Coat
  Ships draught of Water Forward 8 Feet..10 Inches Aft 10..00

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