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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Sep 1-3, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

September 1792

Saturday 1  Moderate & fine Weather PM People employed washing & mending their Cloaths Punished John Wetstaff Seaman with 12 Lashes for Sleeping on his Watch at ½ past 5 discovered breakers on the Sea [?] made the Signal to the Commodore for seeing a reef hauled our Wind to the NE the East extream bore S14°W distant 1½ Miles & the West extream S75°W distant 2½ Miles at 7 in Top Gallant sails & 1st. reef of the Topsails .. caught 2 Boobeys & 4 Noddys AM Moderate & cloudy Tacked Ship & made & shortened Sails Occasionally at ½ past 5 bore up at 6 out all reefs & set Top Gallant sails at 7 Saw breakers on the Lee bow bearing SWbW distant 8 or 9 Miles at ½ past 7 Answered the Signal to come within hail at Noon Fresh breeze & hazey the extreams of the Breakers in sight from NWbW to WbS distant from the Center 8 or 9 Miles .. In Company with the Providence

Sunday 2  Moderate & fair PM at 6 Answered the Signal to come within hail .. caught 2 Noddys at 10 Tacked Ship per Signal AM Moderate & fine Tacked Ship Occasionally per Signal at 7 saw the breakers on the reef bearing SbE distant 7 or 8 Miles served Sour krout sweet wort & Portable Soup &c at ¾ past 11 made the Signal for seeing breakers in the SW Quarter in Studding sails & hauled our wind to the Southward at Noon Fresh breezes in Company with the Providence

Monday 3  Fresh breezes & hazey Weather at ¾ past 12 made the Signal for seeing breakers in the SW Quarter which was a Sandy Key bearing SW distance 8 Miles at ¼ past 1 made the Signal for having got Soundings &c &c Tack on seeing some Coloured water about 2 Cables from us at 6 Answered the Signal to come within hail Tacked Ship Occasionally per Signals AM Moderate & open cloudy Weather Tacked Occasionally per Signals at 6 Answered the Signal to come within hail at 7 hove too the Commodore hoisted his Whale boat out & sent her a head of us to sound .. ¼ past bore up at ½ past made the Signal to speak the Commodore on finding the Whale boat leakey the Whale boat returned on board & the Commodore sent his Cutter a head to sound at ¼ past [?] made the Signal for [?] danger . hauled our wind to the NE & [?] our Cutter out to Sound At Noon Light breezes & fine weather in Company with the Providence Soundings this day from 46 to 37 fathoms bottom Coral Rock

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